


she hate my heart...she is my heart

*failed apology*Keskiviikko 23.01.2008 23:42

yesterday i told you what i felt
now its aicin me,i didn't mean to hurt you
what a hell is goin on now here,why do we both go wrong direction
how did i even make it wrong,why isn't this just bad dream

i swear my feelings are real now
dont go away
i swear you its all rigth
stay just moment

don't have time for myself,just a failed apology
i could just call you,just to say i love you
don't have time for myself,just a failed apology
i couldn't call you,i hate my self for that

don't make this my grave again
it was my first fuck up,make it be my last
i lost my last shield this time,just hold me and never let me go
hush now dont cry yet,you may kill me tomorrow again

i swear my feelings are real now
dont go away
i swear you its all rigth
stay just moment

don't have time for myself,just a failed apology
i could just call you,just to say i love you
don't have time for myself,just a failed apology
i couldn't call you,i hate my self for that

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