


it was nice to know your name

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[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 26.01.2008 23:52

Voi että, arvatkaa onko joku nyt tosi iloinen ja sekaisin, ja whääää...

Twiggy is back! Hrr, pienenpieni ihana Twiggymme on taas kuvioissa, luulin ettei näin käy enää koskaan ^^ Ja nyt se on taas riveissä! Ehkäpä kaikki palaa taas ennalleen, ja vanha kunnon meininki saadaan takaisin!

Ihanaa, wrrrr, ette kyllä nyt tajua kuinka hienoa tämä on!

I got an email from Twiggy while I was off in some foreign land – New Zealand, I think. It was a picture of a dick. I’m very accustomed to him doing that. He likes to show me his dick. I felt like the bit of life that seemed to have been beaten out of him or whatever reasons in the past year. The twinkle in his eye was represented by the twinkle on his dick in the picture. It made me smile and I decided to call him. “We should get together and play some songs.” I said, “Yeah, I want to make a new record. I don’t want any rules, I just want to have some fun. Something new, something different.”

Kyllä mä taidan kuolla nyt. Jos siis onneen voi kuolla.

"We are ready just being around eachother getting so energized and feeding off eachother like two little kids and we just want to destroy everything."

Okei, lukekaa itse koko juttu:

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