


Miikka Honkanen

Inner PeaceTorstai 25.01.2007 04:30

The World has seen much better days
I know there's still much left to see
As the skies are calling me
with colorful wings of grace

What are we hiding from this day
I know there's still much more in me
to call it all a failure
with hateful tears filled with disgrace

How can I love it all this much
It's so cold that I am smiling
I am one with the tears you cry
this feeling sets me free

Inner peace and faith
I'm one with everything
I have been here for eternity
and I'll never go away

You'll one day see what I mean
when all else is lost
I'll be here, forever free
Cause I'm one with everything

Let your spirit free
from the cages of your life

How I can love it all this much
It's so warm that I am crying
I am in the thoughts that make you smile
This feeling sets us free

Inner peace and faith
I am inside everything
I have been here for an eternity
And I'll never go away!

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