


I know, what feels like lose something... But I know that there is something better coming...
I fell in love with you... Just how long has it been since then?
My feelings have only been getting stronger.
I wonder... have you realized how I feel?
Even though I've never said a word...
It's like snowflakes drifting... gently...
...continuing to pile up higher and higher.
Hold me tight... If this is how it feels...
The feeling of falling in love with someone...
I never wanted to know that feeling.
I love you... I can't stop my tears from falling...
On that case, then you...
...should never have come into my life.

I wonder... how long will I keep thinking about you?
My breath is fogging up the window glass.
My trembling heart is... next to the lit candle...
...and melting now. I wonder... will it survive?
Hold me tight... so tight that I might break... that when we meet in the frigid gale of a blizzard...
...I won't be cold anymore.
I miss you... I think of you... so far away...
With this hand-knit muffler...
...I'm here alone, holding myself again tonight.

If the snow keeps on falling forever...
...will it never up my feelings for you?
Hold me tight... If this is how it feels...
The feeling of falling in love with someone...
I never wanted to know that feeling.
I love you... it's filling up my heart...
I want to shout to the winter sky...
I want to meet you right now!

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