


-Nyt täytyy hiipiä varpaillaan, joka nurkan taa onkin päässyt perkeleitä-

Kill me, heal meKeskiviikko 12.11.2008 14:19

Break my bones and reset me
Piece by piece you break me
Pick up the cross 'cause it's killing time
How can I scream when the pain is
Such a release I get the courage
To pick up the nails 'cause it's killing time

Kill me, heal me
Kill me, heal me
On and on
Kill me, heal me
Kill me, heal me
On and on

Breathing your love
You're ferocious
You're in my lungs
Craving your electricity
Feet to my pain you give
Wings to my fear your peace
Inhabits my blood
Your love is thick

Kill me, heal me
Kill me, heal me
On and on
Kill me, heal me
Kill me, heal me
On and on

I can't live without it
I can't live without it
I can't live without it
I can't live without it

Kill me, heal me
Kill me, heal me
On and on
Kill me, heal me
Kill me, heal me
On and on

Kill me, heal me
Kill me, heal me
On and on
Kill me, heal me
Kill me, heal me
On and on

SKILLET <sydän>

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