


is a crazy teapot

D:<Lauantai 06.12.2008 08:18

ah i hate this place its such a hell hole. i have not been home a week, and already i have been spat on, and had some girls attack me with shaving foam. when they spat on me that first time i was in shock, this time i was yelling and screaming at them, because i think they may have been the same girls. but the thing is, i have no idea who they are! today there was a drunk walking down my street with no shirt yelling abuse at every one. i have heard from a friend that she was bashed by some young black girls while i was gone. one of my friends has failed school 3 times now as well. and well.. this place is so bad. there are old horrible drunks everywhere and the sad thing is they all seem to be black australians, and when i am in the city center and a group is coming towards you, if you dont get out of their way, they could bash you. i'm suddenly scared to go out side of my home, i really do not want to leave my house, i'm actually scared, but i have to, because i live my life in the center, just like oulu... just a much smaller center. i cant wait for the weekened when we go to the beach, i'm just going to fish and tan. but then again we may not be able to fish because there are 3 large great white sharks here where i live now.. some the size of cars, both width and height! thats huge!!!!!!
AH, lorinda keeps giving me the guilt trip about finland... its horrible. i was talking to mert on the internet and the whole time i was talking to himj she was bitching in my ear about i dont care about my australian friends and blah blah blah and on and on and when i finialy stopped talking to mert only because she was being horrible and driving me mad, well after that she was angry at me all day anyway. she asked me oh.. are you hungry "hmmm not really.. i ate a cake before" oh... mumble mumble mumble... i'm hungry "well lets get something to eat" no not if u wont eat "well i can get something to eat "no, grumble grumble grumble.
ahhh i offered her to get food, she said no and the she bitched the whole time about it!
i need to start storting out the au pair thing with Riitta. i think i shall start looking into it next week and start writting up a reasonable contract. i just need some data from Riitta to do so.

btw everyoneTiistai 02.12.2008 17:31

i need the following people maling address so i can send you something.
-Tiia & Cappi

soo.. give me the address u want me to send to. just send it privet if u like.
if i dont get an adress
u dont get something <3<3<3<3 ;D

hate hate hate this place!Tiistai 02.12.2008 16:31

1. saw tayla the other day and she was talking shit about me from across the road to her firends andeven had the balls and smile and glare at me
2. shopping with dylan today, brought new flip flops and shoes. and was having ever so happy time, when.. pardon me... SOME BLACK BITCH! SPAT ON ME. i didnt even know who she was. she just walked past and spat on me!
3. i got sent a hate message from an unknow phone today of a guy with hos own dick up his ass...

its so hot here... 30+ i'm about to die.
i might be getting a job at a mens clothes store... its not what i would call cool clothes... more like...dude i'm a surfer... or... my father D8

hate hate hate this place
miss miss miss you guys so much.
let me know whats happening...

home home home on the rangeMaanantai 01.12.2008 10:54

ok yep i'm home!
anyway... 2 seconds i home... my other gets charged by the police... for speeding...
and all other crap and first person i see when i come home... TAYLA... grrrrrr DX<
bitch... glare at ME!
oh i have so much other to say but this computer is pissing me off... so
bye bye babies....

still kicken it chinese style!Sunnuntai 30.11.2008 15:03

ack still fucking here...
i think i might kill and eat a chinese cuse i'm staving.
its really kinda scary soemtimes. mainly when i'm in the shops cause i'm not kidding when i say the people here almost crawl... there are so so so soooo many people all you see is a sea of black heads soem times... i have been hiding in some chairs watching cartoons... mazingly in english!
thank god.
but other the then that... my night muffin D': i had to eat it in one bite... one whole bite because they would not let me take it past customs... bastards... thatw as going to be my dinner so now.. now i'm hungry again...
i actually ran into some fins here, really nice boy he was.. and on my plane from finland there were a few other australians... but i dindt talk to them, because the way they talk makes my ears bleed DX.
i wonder how long i can get away with being on this computer. it didnt matter last time i was here on my way to finland.. cause i was here at like 4 in the morning... not much compitition... infact.. none, i was the only person walking around... like some kind of freak.
i miss showers already. i miss water and the snow.. yeah.. i miss the snow! its pretty... when its not dirty i guess....
i miss tiia and my bed and capi and her cookings <3
i miss minja and mira and mert.. my tresures...
i cant wiat for mira to come, i'm scard i'll get depressed agian in australia and not want to come... but if she comes and gets me i'm sure to come back... who knows, maybe... unlikely... i can finda boy to bring back.....

AHHH i'm so bored... i wi some one was here to talk with me... cause its so lonely and boring and now they have opened the windows and its cold and i have taken my tights off... so all the asians can look at my white girl legs XP
but if i dont wear somehting cool now... i will die! in australia!!!
ehh Australia...
i want to come home to Oulu... i want my other half...

Hong KongSunnuntai 30.11.2008 05:58

so like.. yep in hong kong... i hate it...
people looking at me funny ways... and some saying things to me... i dont think its in a "hi how are you welcome to our country" more like "hey... white girl, come show me your white girl parts" D:

so yeah anyway...
i'm still not happy. i have been misrable ever since i said good bye to mert at the bus, mira cried all over me.. and then we cried agian at the air port when the people would not let her pass.

and then i had to wait forever...

AND THEN.. because my shoes where the shoes of death i took them off and walk in the air port with no shoes... bad idea taryn! because then we had to get on a bus.. and then they took us to the middle of no where, and then we had to walk on the road where the planes where and then i had to clime cold steel steeps.... in my tights/stockings!!!!

i miss you guys...
i hope this goes fast....
please... i KNOW you wont forget me, you didnt for 9 months and this is only 6... but dont forget to keep in contact... or i feel even more lonely then ever before!!!

i love you guys so much.

BTW... ahhhh... my plane is not till like.. 11:45pm!!!!!!!!
so yay... lots of time for taryn to look at things she cant have anyway

HelsinkiPerjantai 28.11.2008 20:17

yay so like i'm totally loving Helsinki!
the shopping is great i went to all the best stores.. i loved it in ivanhelsinki! and that other place that mert was talking about that akseli took me too. he said as soon as he saw my coths he was like... oh i know where you are going to want to go and when mrt was telling me to go i was not really listening cause i was so tired and so annoyed and sore and just in a bad mood... i spent like hours crying on mira when were were waiting for akseli to come and get me so yeah...
i had been pretty misrable yesterday
oh lol... walking around helsinki today... i dindt need to ring Hiu.... i ran into her. what to think, the chance of seeing hiu randomly while here... cool huh?
anyway onight i'm going to DTM with mira, Hiu, Akseli and anna, and some other people too i might think. and then tomorrow i shall get up early so that i can njoy my time in finland with my best friends before i have to be torn away back to horrible australia,... ok australia is not that bad... but no Mira's and merts and no tiia or minja... ahh my life is over... who is going to walk around shopping with me holding my and.. hat am i going to do with out my mert glove/jacket? die i should think...
so yeah.. .i hve to be at the airport by at LEAST 3:00 pm... so i will be leaving like... 2-ish i hould think so...
i dont wanna go ) :
i dont think i would like living in helsinki... it just feels.... weird... i dont know. i have never been bothered by big cities, after all i would move to adelaide in a heart beat in Australia.. but there is somehting about helsinki that is not... home... i like shopping here... but nothing else i think.
hahahahah Akseli brought me cafe moca.. Oulu is better XP
i have promised when i have own apartment he is going to come to oulu for a few days to judge oulu agaist helsinki moca... i'm so going to win this bahahahahah XP

it'll be okKeskiviikko 26.11.2008 17:49

everyone, while i'm gine, just remember me with this song
because its all me just listen to the song and you'll remember me <3<3<3<3
ah what to say. one i should not be up this time of the day... but i cant sleep because i feel like i might throw up. i'm so mistable to be leaving, i'm scared. i dont want to go, i'm scared .. i wont come back. i keep thinking... so why are you coming to finland taryn? friends.. yes of cause, but u have them in australia... cant be work thats easier in australia by far as if the language living housing.. and just life. My life would be so easy if i lived in australia. went to uni and got agood job. But... i'm not happy there.
here. my life is so stressful and challanging... never boring.. ish XP
there are special people here in finland who keep luring me back and some one who once i'm here makes me want to stay. but... my reasons are being removed... every ones leaving here... i dont know if i want to be here if i have to be alone, but i dont want to hold anyone back because i would hate them if they did it to me.
time has gone so fast, and i feel like i havent acheived everything i set about to do... but i guess i shall have to try again. i'm not the kind of person to give up, the more i'm told no, the more i desprately want it to the point of causing myself pain to get it.
i met a girl from the USA who was only 23 and had a duel passport with finland so she coild live in both places. thats what i want.
i feel really small and weak.
i hate feeling weak, my dad makes me feel weak and i hate it so passionately. i'm not weak
i dont know many people who can take the kind of emotional slap to the face like i can, or a phisical one for that matter.
i really cant handle this... i'm so scared, but i ant say it, oly write it cause again, i dont wanna whine and bitch like a crazy cow.
i miss you so much already... and i havent even taken a step off the ground. it's like i'm leaving half of me behind, like i just ripped my soul from my body and left it in my waking shadow as i leave nothing but foot prints behind me.
poetic beauty huh? told u i did english as a major... or as i just an emo.. only time shall tell.
i fel crushed... in so many ways.

on another note. my friends fixed.. i think some issues they were having. all my friends are .. with some one. its so nice to see every one so happy, i wish i could have that too.
ah and of cause i have been spoilt with the COOLEST gifts. i think i should come and leave more often :3

you guys have no idea how important you are to me.
please... i know you wont forget me.. but dont forget that i'm missing you and working hard to come back... when i hear from you guys... it makes my day and reminds me what i'm fighting for.

Action a'la Taryn.

23:55- train to helsinki

8:37- arrive in helsinki.

must investigate DTM and know what the fuck every one is on about

plane leaves at 16:00 i think... or about that time, so i have to be there like.. 14:30 or 15:00 at the latest.

woot lets flew... and spend 15 hours in hong kong... yay ... NOT! i will get on the net here

i'm back in australia in my town by the afternoon, so like...ther is now about a 7 hours time jump between fin and Aust. i time travelled. so when u guys have lunch at 12:00. i will be having dinner at 19:00 >XP